#52: Combinatorial and Computational Geometry

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MSRI Publications – Volume 52

Combinatorial and Computational Geometry

Edited by Jacob E. Goodman, János Pach and Emo Welzl


Front matter (front page, copyright page)
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Table of Contents
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Geometric Approximation via Coresets by P. K. Agarwal, S. Har-Peled and K. R. Varadarajan, 1-30
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Applications of Graph and Hypergraph Theory in Geometry by Imre Bárány, 31-50
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Convex Geometry of Orbits by Alexander Barvinok and Grigoriy Blekherman, 51-85
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The Hadwiger Transversal Theorem for Pseudolines by Saugata Basu, Jacob E. Goodman, Andreas Holmsen, and Richard Pollack, 79-85
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Betti Number Bounds, Applications and Algorithms by Saugata Basu, Richard Pollack, and Marie-Françoise Roy, 87-96
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Shelling and the h-Vector of the (Extra)ordinary Polytope by Margaret M. Bayer, 97-120
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On the Number of Mutually Touching Cylinders by András Bezdek, 121-127
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Edge-Antipodal 3-Polytopes by Károly Bezdek, Tibor Bisztriczky, and Károly Bőrőczky, 129-134
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A Conformal Energy for Simplicial Surfaces by Alexander Bobenko, 135-145
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On the Size of Higher-Dimensional Triangulations by Peter Brass, 147-153
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The Carpenter's Ruler Folding Problem by Gruia Călinescu and Adrian Dumitrescu, 155-166
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A Survey of Folding and Unfolding in Computational Geometry by Erik D. Demaine and Joseph O'Rourke, 167-211
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On the Rank of a Tropical Matrix by Mike Develin, Francisco Santos, and Bernd Sturmfels, 213-242
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The Geometry of Biomolecular Solvation by Herbert Edelsbrunner and Patrice Koehl, 243-275
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Inequalities for Zonotopes by Richard Ehrenborg, 277-286
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Quasiconvex Programming by David Eppstein, 287-331
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De Concini--Procesi Wonderful Arrangement Models: A Discrete Geometer's Point of View by Eva Maria Feichtner, 333-360
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Thinnest Covering of a Circle by Eight, Nine, or Ten Congruent Circles by Gábor Fejes Tóth, 361-376
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On the Complexity of Visibility Problems with Moving Viewpoints by Peter Gritzmann and Thorsten Theobald, 377-397
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Cylindrical Partitions of Convex Bodies by Aladár Heppes and Włodzimierz Kuperberg, 399-407
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Tropical Halfspaces by Michael Joswig, 409-431
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Two Proofs for Sylvester's Problem Using an Allowable Sequence of Permutations by Hagit Last, 433-437
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The Bernstein Basis and Real Root Isolation A Comparison of Five Implementations of 3D Delaunay Tessellation by Yuanxin Liu and Jack Snoeyink, 439-458
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The Bernstein Basis and Real Root Isolation by Bernard Mourrain, Fabrice Rouillier, and Marie-Françoise Roy, 459-478
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Extremal Problems Related to the Sylvester-Gallai Theorem by Niranjan Nilakantan, 479-494
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A Long Noncrossing Path Among Disjoint Segments in the Plane by János Pach and Rom Pinchasi, 495-500
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On a Generalization of Schönhardt's Polyhedron by Jörg Rambau, 501-516
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On Hadwiger Numbers of Direct Products of Convex Bodies by István Talata, 517-528
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Binary Space Partitions: Recent Developments by Csaba D. Toth, 529-556
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The Erdős-Szekeres Theorem: Upper Bounds and Related Results by Géza Tóth and Pavel Valtr, 557-568
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On the Pair-Crossing Number by Pavel Valtr, 569-575
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Geometric Random Walks: A Survey by Santosh Vempala, 577-616
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