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MSRI Preprints: 2000

The MSRI preprint series in years 1995–2005. Please consult the Author Index or go directly to the desired year.

1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000 - 2001 - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - Author Index

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Lattices and parameter reduction in division algebras
Martin Lorenz and Zinovy Reichstein
MSRI Preprint #2000-001
Rational functions with real critical points and the B. and M. Shapiro conjecture in real enumerative geometry (revised)
Alex Eremenko and Andrei Gabrielov
MSRI Preprint #2000-002
Examples of Hopf algebras of dimension $2^m$
Yevgenia Kashina
MSRI Preprint #2000-003
The LMO-invariant of 3-manifolds of rank one and the Alexander polynomial
Jens Lieberum
MSRI Preprint #2000-004
A combinatorial approach to quantification of Lie algebras
V. K. Kharchenko
MSRI Preprint #2000-005
The elliptic curve in the S-duality theory and Eisenstein series for Kac–Moody groups
Mikhail Kapranov
MSRI Preprint #2000-006
Jordan superalgebras defined by brackets
Consuelo Martínez, Ivan Shestakov, and Efim Zelmanov
MSRI Preprint #2000-007
Classical integration rules and Wiener measure
Amarjit S. Budhiraja and Andrew J. Sommese
MSRI Preprint #2000-008
Conditions satisfied by characteristic polynomials in fields and division algebras
Zinovy Reichstein and Boris Youssin
MSRI Preprint #2000-009
On a property of special groups
Zinovy Reichstein and Boris Youssin
MSRI Preprint #2000-010
Principal One-Sided Ideals in Ore Polynomial Rings
T. Y. Lam and André Leroy
MSRI Preprint #2000-011
A remark on quiver varieties and Weyl groups
Andrea Maffei
MSRI Preprint #2000-012
Classification of semisimple Hopf algebras of dimension 16
Yevgenia Kashina
MSRI Preprint #2000-013
On the second moment for primes in an arithmetic progression
Daniel Goldston and C. Y. Yildirim
MSRI Preprint #2000-014
Finite Groups Embeddable in Division Rings
Tsit-Yuen Lam
MSRI Preprint #2000-015
Numerical Decomposition of the Solution Sets of Polynomial Systems into Irreducible Components
Andrew J. Sommese, Jan Verschelde, and Charles W. Wampler
MSRI Preprint #2000-016
A Pseudo-Analyzer Approach to Formal Group Laws not of Operad Type
Ralf Holtkamp
MSRI Preprint #2000-017
Wedderburn Polynomials over Division Rings
Tsit-Yuen Lam and André Leroy
MSRI Preprint #2000-018
Topological Entropy of Free Product Automorphisms (REVISED)
Nathanial P. Brown, Kenneth Dykema, and Dimitri Shlyakhtenko
MSRI Preprint #2000-019
Annihilation Theorem and Separation Theorem for basic classicalLie superalgebras.
Maria Gorelik
MSRI Preprint #2000-020
On semisimple Hopf algebras of dimension $2^n$
Yevgenia Kashina
MSRI Preprint #2000-021
Abelian Solitons
Ron Y. Donagi and Emma Previato
MSRI Preprint #2000-022
Characterizing Type I $\mathbb C^\ast$-algebras via Entropy
Nathanial P. Brown
MSRI Preprint #2000-023
Herrero's Approximation Problem for Quasidiagonal Operators
Nathanial P. Brown
MSRI Preprint #2000-024
Skein modules of links in cylinders over surfaces
Jens Lieberum
MSRI Preprint #2000-025
Counting Discriminants of Number Fields
Henri Cohen, Francisco Diaz y Diaz and Michel Olivier
MSRI Preprint #2000-026
Small data oscillation implies the saturation assumption
Willy Dörfler and Ricardo H. Nochetto
MSRI Preprint #2000-027
Infinite non-simple $\mathbb C^\ast$-algebras: absorbsion of the Cuntz algebra $\mathcal{O}_\infty$
Eberhard Kirchberg and Mikael Rordam
MSRI Preprint #2000-028
Galois Groups Over Nonrigid Fields
Wenfeng Gao, David B. Leep, Jan Minac, and Tara L. Smith
MSRI Preprint #2000-029
Irreducible subfactors of $L(\mathbb F_\infty)$ of index $\lambda>4$
Dimitri Shlyakhtenko and Yoshimichi Ueda
MSRI Preprint #2000-030
Classification of simple $\mathbb C^\ast$-algebras of tracial topological rank zero
Huaxin Lin
MSRI Preprint #2000-031
Universal properties of $L(F_\infty)$ in subfactor theory
Sorin Popa and Dimitri Shlyakhtenko
MSRI Preprint #2000-032
On a generic inverse differential Galois problem for $GL_n$
Lourdes Juan
MSRI Preprint #2000-033
On the $Z_l$-rank of abelian extensions with restricted ramification
Christian Maire
MSRI Preprint #2000-034
Stable $\mathbb C^\ast$-algebras
Mikael Rørdam
MSRI Preprint #2000-035
Extensions of number fields with wild ramification of bounded depth
Farshid Hajir and Christian Maire
MSRI Preprint #2000-036
Non-commutative Poisson Boundaries and Compact Quantum Group Actions
Masaki Izumi
MSRI Preprint #2000-037
$\mathbb R$-cyclic families of matrices in free probability
Alexandru Nica, Dimitri Shlyakhtenko, and Roland Speicher
MSRI Preprint #2000-038