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MSRI Publications – Volume 68

Commutative Algebra and Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry
Volume II: Research Articles

Edited by David Eisenbud, Srikanth B. Iyengar, Anurag K. Singh, J. Joby Stafford, and Michel Van de Bergh

Front matter (front page, copyright page)
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Table of contents
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Preface by David Eisenbud, Srikanth B. Iyengar, Anurag K. Singh, J. Toby Stafford and Michel Van den Bergh, ix
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When is a squarefree monomial ideal of linear type?, by Ali Alilooee and Sara Faridi , 1–18
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Modules for elementary abelian groups and hypersurface singularities, by David J. Benson, 19–42
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Ideals generated by superstandard tableaux, by Andrew Berget, Winfried Bruns and Aldo Conca, 43–62
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Zariski topologies on stratified spectra of quantum algebras, by Kenneth A. Brown and Kenneth R. Goodearl, 63–91
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The derived category of a graded Gorenstein ring, by Jesse Burke and Greg Stevenson, 93–123
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Singularities with respect to Mather–Jacobian discrepancies, by Lawrence Ein and Shihoko Ishii, 125–168
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Reduction numbers and balanced ideals, by Louiza Fouli, 169–180
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Unipotent and Nakayama automorphisms of quantum nilpotent algebras, by Kenneth R. Goodearl and Milen T. Yakimov, 181–212
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Formal fibers of prime ideals in polynomial rings, by William Heinzer, Christel Rotthaus and Sylvia Wiegand, 213–222
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Bounding the socles of powers of squarefree monomial ideals, by Jürgen Herzog and Takayuki Hibi, 223–229
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An intriguing ring structure on the set of $d$-forms, by Jürgen Herzog, Leila Sharifan and Matteo Varbaro, 231–244
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On the subadditivity problem for maximal shifts in free resolutions, by Jürgen Herzog and Hema Srinivasan, 245–249
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The cone of Betti tables over a rational normal curve, by Manoj Kummini and Steven V Sam, 251–264
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Adjoint associativity: an invitation to algebra in $\infty$-categories, by Joseph Lipman, 265–291
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