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MSRI Publications – Volume 67

Commutative Algebra and Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry
Volume I: Expository Articles

Edited by David Eisenbud, Srikanth B. Iyengar, Anurag K. Singh, J. Joby Stafford, and Michel Van de Bergh

Front matter (front page, copyright page)
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Table of contents
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Preface by David Eisenbud, Srikanth B. Iyengar, Anurag K. Singh, J. Toby Stafford and Michel Van den Bergh, ix
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Growth functions, by Jason P. Bell, 1–24
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Syzygies, finite length modules, and random curves, by Christine Berkesch and Frank-Olaf Schreyer, 25–52
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Vector bundles and ideal closure operations, by Holger Brenner, 53–93
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Hecke algebras and symplectic reflection algebras, by Maria Chlouveraki, 95–139
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Limits in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry, by Steven Dale Cutkosky, 141–162
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Introduction to uniformity in commutative algebra, by Craig Huneke and Claudiu Raicu, 163–190
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Noncommutative motives and their applications, by Matilde Marcolli and Gonçalo Tabuada, 191–214
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Infinite graded free resolutions, by Jason McCullough and Irena Peeva , 215–257
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Poincaré–Birkhoff–Witt theorems, by Anne V. Shepler and Sarah Witherspoon, 259–290
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Frobenius splitting in commutative algebra, by Karen E. Smith and Wenliang Zhang, 291–345
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From Briançon–Skoda to Scherk–Varchenko, by Duco van Straten, 347–370
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The interplay of algebra and geometry in the setting of regular algebras, by Michaela Vancliff, 371–390
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Survey on the $D$-module $f^{s}$, by Uli Walther, with an appendix by Anton Leykin, 391–430
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Introduction to derived categories, by Amnon Yekutieli, 431–451
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