#57: A Window into Zeta and Modular Physics

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MSRI Publications – Volume 57

A Window into Zeta and Modular Physics

Edited by Klaus Kirsten and Floyd L. Williams


Front matter (front page, copyright page)
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Table of Contents
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Introduction by Klaus Kirsten and Floyd L. Williams, 1-5
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Introductory Lectures

Lectures on zeta functions, L-functions and modular forms with some physical applications, by Floyd L. Williams, 7-100
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Basic zeta functions and some applications in physics, by Klaus Kirsten, 101-143
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Zeta functions and chaos, by Audrey Terras, 145-182
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Vertex operators and modular forms, by Geoffrey Mason and Michael Tuite, 183-278
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Research Lectures

Applications of elliptic and theta functions to FRLW cosmology with cosmological constant, by Jennie D'Ambroise, 279-293
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Integrable systems and 2D gravitation: How a soliton illuminates a black hole, by Shabnam Beheshti, 295-306
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Functional determinants in higher dimensions using contour integrals, by Klaus Kirsten, 307-328
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The role of the Patterson–Selberg zeta function of a hyperbolic cylinder in three-dimensional gravity with a negative cosmological constant, by Floyd L. Williams, 329-351
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