#53: Assessing Mathematical Proficiency

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MSRI Publications – Volume 53

Assessing Mathematical Proficiency

Edited by Alan H. Schoenfeld


Front matter (front page, copyright page)
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Table of Contents
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Section 1: The Big Picture

1. Issues and Tensions in the Assessment of Mathematical Proficiency, by Alan H. Schoenfeld, 3-15
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2. Aims of Mathematics Education, by Judith A. Ramaley, 17-21
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3. The No Child Left Behind Act: Political Context and National Goals, by Susan Sclafani, 23-27
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Section 2: Perspectives on Mathematical Proficiency

4. What Is Mathematical Proficiency? by R. James Milgram, 31-58
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5. What Is Mathematical Proficiency and How Can It Be Assessed? by Alan H. Schoenfeld, 59-73
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Section 3: What Does Assessment Assess? Issues and Examples

6. Mathematical Proficiency: What Is Important? How Can It Be Measured? by Hugh Burkhardt, 77-97
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7. Aspects of the Art of Assessment Design, by Jan de Lange, 99-111
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8. Mathematical Proficiency for Citizenship, by Bernard L. Madison, 111-124
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9. Learning from Assessment, by Richard Askey, 125-136
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10. When Assessment Guides Instruction: Silicon Valley's Mathematics Assessment Collaborative, by David Foster, Pendred Noyce, and Sara Spiegel, 137-154
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Section 4: The Case of Algebra

11. Assessing the Strands of Student Proficiency in Elementary Algebra, by William G. McCallum, 157-162
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12. Making Meaning in Algebra: Examining Students' Understandings and Misconceptions, by David Foster, 163-176
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13. Task Context and Assessment, by Ann Shannon, 177-191
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Section 5: What Do Assessments Assess? The Case of Fractions

14. Learning About Fractions from Assessment, by Linda Fisher, 195-211
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15. Assessing a Student's Mathematical Knowledge by Way of Interview, by Deborah Loewenberg Ball with Brandon Peoples, 213-267
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video of interview

16. Reflections on an Assessment Interview: What a Close Look at Student Understanding Can Reveal, by Alan H. Schoenfeld, 269-277
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Section 6: The Importance of Societal Context

17. Assessment in France, by Michèle Artigue, 283-309
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18. Assessment to Improve Learning in Mathematics: The BEAR Assessment System, by Mark Wilson and Claus Carstensen, 311-332
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19. English Learners and Mathematics Learning: Language Issues to Consider, by Lily Wong Fillmore, 333-344
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20. Beyond Words to Mathematical Content: Assessing English Learners in the Mathematics Classroom, by Judit Moschkovich, 345-352
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21. Assessment in the Real World: The Case of New York City, by Elizabeth Taleporos, 345-355
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22. Perspectives on State Assessments in California: What You Release Is What Teachers Get, by Elizabeth K. Stage, 357-363
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Epilogue: What Do We Need to Know? Items for a Research Agenda, 365-367
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About the Authors, 369-379
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Subject Index
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Author Index
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Task Index
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