Intrinsic Ultracontractivity, Conditional Lifetimesand Conditional Gauge for Symmetric Stable Processes on Rough Domains

Zhen-Qing Chen and Renming Song

\def\RR{{\bf R}} For a symmetric $\alpha$-stable process $X$ on $\RR^n$ with $0<\alpha <2$, $n\geq 2$ and a domain $D \subset \RR^n$, let $L^D$ be the infinitesimal generator of the subprocess of $X$ killed upon leaving $D$. For a Kato class function $q$, it is shown that $L^D+q$ is intrinsic ultracontractive on a H\"older domain $D$ of order 0. This is then used to establish the conditional gauge theorem for $X$ on bounded Lipschitz domains in $\RR^n$. It is also shown that the conditional lifetimes for symmetric stable process in a H\"older domain of order 0 are uniformly bounded.