Some results on the admissible representations of non-connected reductive $p$-adic groups

David Goldberg and Rebecca Herb

We examine the theory of induced representations for non-connected reductive $p$-adic groups for which $G/G^0$ is abelian. We first examine the structure of those representations of the form $Ind_{P^0}^G(\sigma),$ where $P^0$ is a parabolic subgroup of $G^0$ and $\s$ is a discrete series representation of the Levi component of $P^0.$ Here we develop a theory of $R$--groups, extending the theory in the connected case. We then prove some general results in the theory of representations of non-connected $p$-adic groups whose component group is abelian. We define the notion of cuspidal parabolic for $G$ in order to give a context for this discussion. Intertwining operators for the non-connected case are examined and the notions of supercuspidal and discrete series are defined. Finally, we examine parabolic induction from a cuspidal parabolic subgroup of $G.$ Here we also develop a theory of $R$--groups, and show that these groups parameterize the induced representations in a manner that is consistent with the connected case and with the first set of results as well.