> Library
> MSRI Book Series
> Early Volumes
Volumes 1–27 published by Springer-Verlag
- Freed and Uhlenbeck: Instantons and Four-Manifolds (1st & 2nd editions)
- Chern (editor): Seminar on Nonlinear Partial
Differential Equations
- Lepowsky, Mandelstam, and Singer (editors): Vertex
Operators in Mathematics and
- Kac (editor): Infinite Dimensional Groups with Applications
- Blackadar: K-Theory for Operator Algebras (2nd edition published by Cambridge University Press)
- Moore (editor): Group Representations, Ergodic Theory,
Operator Algebras, and
Mathematical Physics
- Chorin and Majda (editors): Wave Motion: Theory,
Modelling, and Computation
- Gersten (editor): Essays in Group Theory
- Moore and Schochet: Global Analysis on Foliated Spaces (2nd edition published by Cambridge University Press)
- Drasin, Earle, Gehring, Kra, and Marden (editors):
Holomorphic Functions and
Moduli I
- Drasin, Earle, Gehring, Kra, and Marden (editors):
Holomorphic Functions and
Moduli II
- Ni, Peletier, and Serrin (editors): Nonlinear Diffusion
Equations and Their Equilibrium
States I
- Ni, Peletier, and Serrin (editors): Nonlinear Diffusion
Equations and Their Equilibrium
States II
- Goodman, de la Harpe, and Jones: Coxeter Graphs and
Towers of Algebras
- Hochster, Huneke, and Sally (editors): Commutative Algebra
- Ihara, Ribet, and Serre (editors): Galois Groups over Q
- Concus, Finn, and Hoffman (editors): Geometric Analysis
and Computer Graphics
- Bryant, Chern, Gardner, Goldschmidt, and Griffiths:
Exterior Differential Systems
- Alperin (editor): Arboreal Group Theory
- Dazord and Weinstein (editors): Symplectic Geometry, Groupoids, and
Integrable Systems
- Moschovakis (editor): Logic from Computer Science
- Ratiu (editor): The Geometry of Hamiltonian Systems
- Baumslag and Miller (editors): Algorithms and
Classification in Combinatorial
Group Theory
- Montgomery and Small (editors): Noncommutative Rings
- Akbulut and King: Topology of Real Algebraic Sets
- Judah, Just, and Woodin (editors): Set Theory of the
- Carlsson, Cohen, Hsiang, and Jones (editors): Algebraic
Topology and Its Applications