Heegner Points and Rankin L-Series
Up: Contents of volume
Heegner Points and Rankin L-Series
Edited by Henri Darmon and Shou-Wu Zhang
Editorial comment concerning the article
"Elliptic Curves and Analogies Between Number Fields and Function Fields",
by Douglas Ulmer, pages 285-315 in this volume.
On pages 294-295 there is a critique of the article
"On a conjecture of Tate for elliptic surfaces over
finite fields", by M. L. Brown, published in
Proc. London Math. Soc. 69 (1994), 489-514.
Prof. Brown has informed me that:
- His work in this Proc. LMS article
has been extended and generalised in his book
Heegner modules and elliptic curves
(Lecture Notes in Math. 1849 Springer, 2004), whose pages
433-434 contain comments, errata, and further
references for the article.
- He was not aware of Prof. Ulmer's critique until
June of 2007, and disputes Ulmer's characterization of the
Proc. LMS article.
December 1, 2007
Silvio Levy, MSRI Series Editor